RDI is committed to ensuring Rural people are informed and represented in this conversation. We created this page to centralize the coverage of the candidates and the election as a whole, and intend to share relevant news articles, voting guides and upcoming events to encourage civic participation in this exciting election.
Track where the candidates are visiting across the state and upcoming events, below!
Oregon nonprofit groups and regional media outlets have proposed to convene a series of virtual and in-person town hall meetings to connect constituents in rural Oregon to the leading candidates for Oregon Governor in advance of the November general election.
Oregon’s historic 2022 gubernatorial race is generating lots of discussion in Columbia County and across the state as the three candidates maneuver for votes heading to the November 8 General Election.
To gain insight into the race, The Chronicle reached out to Jim Moore, Pacific University Associate Professor and Director of Political Outreach at the Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement.
“The Great Resignation” has not only impacted workplaces – we see the pandemic impacts of social isolation in our community work reflected in depleted boards, fewer volunteers, and overworked nonprofit staff. This session will provide tools to help re-engage the vitally-important rural volunteer base through both time-tested and new approaches to volunteer recruitment and retention.
Are you looking for ways to include diverse populations in your rural organization? Join us to learn more about the perspectives of Spanish-speaking residents of the rural Pacific Northwest, and how to ensure your organization’s programs and services are reaching Latinx people through authentic and respectful engagement.
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This session will dig deeper into federal funding opportunities for broadband, roadways, and other infrastructure; understanding how rural places can make the best decisions about long-term investments to establish the foundation for a healthy economy. [Virtual session on 3/2/22].
This session will dig deeper into federal funding opportunities for broadband, roadways, and other infrastructure; understanding how rural places can make the best decisions about long-term investments to establish the foundation for a healthy economy. [Virtual session on 3/2/22].
This session will dig deeper into federal funding opportunities for broadband, roadways, and other infrastructure; understanding how rural places can make the best decisions about long-term investments to establish the foundation for a healthy economy. [Virtual session on 3/2/22].
This session will dig deeper into federal funding opportunities for broadband, roadways, and other infrastructure; understanding how rural places can make the best decisions about long-term investments to establish the foundation for a healthy economy. [Virtual session on 3/2/22].
This session will dig deeper into federal funding opportunities for broadband, roadways, and other infrastructure; understanding how rural places can make the best decisions about long-term investments to establish the foundation for a healthy economy. [Virtual session on 3/2/22].
Director of Policy and Patnerships
jgroth (at) rdiinc.org
Senior Program Manager
lkolokoch (at) rdiinc.org
Program Coordinator
jblack (at) rdiinc.org
RDI’s focus on the Oregon governor’s race developed from …. policy / strategic plan?
This project to amplify rural voices was made possible with collaboration with Oregon Capital Chronicle, a nonprofit digital news service focused on state government and politics, and the Agora Journalism Center, part of the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication in Portland.
Special thanks to The Ford Family Foundation for their generous support of this initiative.