Spanish-Language Services
RDI provides a growing suite of programs delivered in Spanish throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Since 2012, RDI has delivered the Pasos al Éxito program — a two-part, Spanish-language financial literacy and business training for new and aspiring entrepreneurs – throughout the rural Pacific Northwest. Sector-specific Spanish-language trainings for starting and running a small childcare and food business were added to our programming in 2022, and we are offering a Spanish-language version of our popular “Ready, Set, Grant!” program and a new training called “Earn, Save, Invest.”
As our Spanish-language programs have grown in popularity throughout the Pacific Northwest, the bilingual staff team continues to grow. RDI is proud to have been selected to participate in a nationwide cohort to expand our knowledge about Latino financial education. We continue to build and develop our Spanish-language services, including the addition of a Spanish-language Rural Civic Engagement Program, Spanish-language leadership trainings as an additional sector-based entrepreneurial program with technical assistance, and new Spanish-language curriculum has been created and provides skills related to financial investment and wealth building.
For more information about RDI’ s Spanish-language services and programs, contact –
Brenda Brown, Director of Spanish-Language Programs: bbrown @
Spanish-Language Programs

Pasos al Éxito
Pasos al Éxito is delivered in Spanish. Pasos al Éxito is a business and financial literacy program that consists of two trainings: “Money Smart” and “Starting a Business.” Through the “Money Smart” training, RDI provides basic financial skills in addition to supporting people looking to start their own small business. In “Starting a Business,” we work with local banks and other business support organizations in the community to provide training and resources to set small businesses up for success.

Food Business Training
RDI’s Spanish-language Food Business training is tailored to new and aspiring food entrepreneurs. This training is held in partnership with local food hub organizations and county health departments. Many new food business entrepreneurs face challenges in finding a licensed commercial kitchen where they can produce food legally. In this training, participants visit and get hands-on experience in a commercial kitchen. This allows them to learn about the requirements for selling homemade food, product costs, marketing, inspections, and licensing requirements.

Childcare Business Training
RDI’s “Starting a Childcare Business” training provides aspiring entrepreneurs with key information for starting and successfully running a childcare business. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for participants to learn the requirements for starting a childcare business. We connect them to local Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) agencies who can help them navigate state early learning systems, access resources, and receive training to improve the quality of care they provide.

“Earn, Save, Invest”
A majority of individuals aspire to build wealth but struggle to find a pathway for themselves and future generations. When investing, it is vital to have a solid knowledge foundation of market products, so decisions moving forward are based off the individual’s long-term and short-term goals. We want to make it as easy as possible to understand, so we begin by examining the financial habit of each participant. We help participants learn about culture and money, the basic concepts of investing, owning real estate, and saving for retirement. The purpose of this training is to help participants take initiative to create a financial safety net for their families. This four-session course offers participants an opportunity to meet with a financial advisor to discuss individual goals.

Ready, Set, Grant!
RDI and Kelley NPC partnered to provide Spanish-language grant-writing training with content targeted to small, rural nonprofits in the Pacific Northwest. If you are looking to improve your organization’s ability to find and sustain funding, this training will help with basic concepts and provide a roadmap to funding success. A limited number of organizations will be eligible to receive one-on-one coaching from Kristin Monahan of Kelley Nonprofit Consulting.

Oportunidades en el Bosque
Oportunidades en el Bosque is a business and workforce development training for forest workers. Delivered in Spanish and developed by Oregon State University Extension, RDI, and Lomakatsi Restoration Project, the goal of the course is to support a stronger workforce in Oregon’s forest economy. Upon program completion, participants will have the knowledge and support needed to operate a business serving small woodland owners within the private sector, and potentially navigate the process needed to contract with land management agencies.

Brenda Brown
Director of Latino Programs
bbrown (at)

Erubiel Valladares
Bilingual Program Manager
evalladares (at)

Yahaira Torres
Bilingual Program Manager
ytorres (at)

Elionay Quiros – Meneses
Bilingual Program Manager
equiros (at)