DEI Theory to Practice: Fostering Participation in the Latinx Community
With Anabel Hernandez-Mejia, Resident Leadership Coordinator, Farmworking Housing Development Coorporation; Laura Isiordia, Field Coordinator, The Ford Family Foundation, and Board Member, Woodburn School District; Martha Pérez, Promotora, FHDC
This session will provide an understanding of the barriers to engage and foster the participation of the Latinx community.

Anabel Hernandez-Mejia
Resident Leadership Coordinator, Farmworking Housing Development Coorporation
Tengo dos años de haber hecho de Oregon mi nuevo hogar y al momento soy la Coordinadora de Liderazgo de Residentes en Farmworker Housing Developement Coorporation (FHDC). Ahí principalmente trabajo con nuestra gente Latinx campesinos. También soy mamá de dos niñas (6 y 11 anos de edad) y me encanta la naturaleza, excursiones, conocer nuevos lugares y personas, la música (arte en general), y aprender un poco de todo.
In late 2018, Anabel made of Oregon her new home and is currently the Resident Leadership Coordinator at Farmworking Housing Development Coorporation (FHDC) where she works directly with Latinx farmworkers.
She is the mother of two young girls (6 and 11 years of age) and enjoys nature, hiking, exploring new places and getting to know new people, music (and all arts in general), as well as continuing to expand her knowledge in vast areas.
Laura Isiordia
Field Coordinator, The Ford Family Foundation, and Board Member, Woodburn School District
Laura was born and raised in Mexico. She went to school in Mexico. Laura immigrated to Oregon in 1985. During her early years in Oregon, Laura worked as farmworker and attended school to learn English. In 1994, she was recruited to work as a Lay Health Promoter for Salud Medical Center where she obtained various health Certifications and led various outreach efforts in farmworker communities. In 1999 Laura began working with FHDC as the Social Service Director at FHDC Laura developed After School and summer enrichment programs. Then Laura became FHDC’s Community Leadership Director and oversees the organizations educational and leadership programs, community organizing and one-to-one resident services at FHDC three housing communities in Woodburn, Salem, and Independence, Oregon. From 2011 to 2017, Laura was the Executive Director of the Capaces Leadership Institute.

Martha Pérez
Promotora, FHDC
My name is Martha Pérez, I am from Jalisco, from a beautiful town called Chiquilistlán, I emigrated to the United States more than 13 years ago, 9 of which I worked in the fields doing all kinds of work but for some time now my most important job has been to be a housewife, a job that is not monetarily rewarded but is very important and with many satisfactory moments. I also play the role of a Promotora for FHDC, in this short time I’ve realized how important it is to work for the benefit not only of my own but also the community. I believe in the phrase that says “He who does not live to serve, does not serve to live,” HONESTY is the greatest value that I can come to admire in a person and I think that if the world were dominated by love it would be a completely different world.
Mi nombre es Martha Pérez, soy del Estado de Jalisco, de un hermoso pueblo llamado Chiquilistlán, emigre a Estados Unidos hace ya más de 13 años, 9 de los cuales trabajé en el campo haciendo todo tipo de trabajo pero desde hace ya un tiempo mi labor más importante ha sido ser ama de casa, trabajo no gratificado monetariamente pero sí muy importante y con muchos momentos satisfactorios. También desempeño el papel de promotora para FHDC, en este poco tiempo me he dado cuenta que es lo importante que es el trabajar en beneficio no solamente propio sino también comunitario. Creo en la frase que dice ‘El que no vive para servir, no sirve para vivir’. La HONESTIDAD es el valor más grande que puedo llegar a admirar en una persona y pienso que si el mundo fuera dominado por el amor sería un mundo completamente diferente.