Come Work With Us!
Thank you for your interest; this position is now closed.Are you passionate about helping rural communities thrive? Come work with us! RDI is hiring a Director of Finance and Administration. This…
Thank you for your interest; this position is now closed.Are you passionate about helping rural communities thrive? Come work with us! RDI is hiring a Director of Finance and Administration. This…
Regístrese hoy para Pasos al Éxito: “Inteligencia con el Dinero,” una capacitación en educación financiera para microempresarios latinos y miembros de la comunidad que viven en el área de Dallas…
Join us Wednesday, December 1, at 3:00 pm Pacific for a conversation focused on how to get local businesses engaged in community problem solving. We'll be hearing from Valerie Folkema,…
We’re thrilled to announce the next Regards to Rural conference will be held May 20-21, 2022, in Pendleton, OR. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for details about this gathering…